As part of Erasmus+ grant program on May 18, 2016 a round table "Implementing environmental security strategy: European experience integration" for Konotop, Bilopil’ya, Hlukhiv, Romny, Buryn’, Nedryhayliv, Lebedyn, Lypovodolyns’k, Trostyanets’ regions and Sumy, Lebedyn, Romny cities primary school teachers was held at Sumy regional institute of postgraduate education. In the event took part 20 participants from different parts of Sumy region.

During the round table Pedagogical science candidate, associate professor Inna Korenyeva aquainted the audience with the legal European Union framework on environmental safety and environmental protection, in particular, the features of EU environmental policy, EU framework legislation on climate policy, energy efficiency, biodiversity protection, major accidents prevention, waste management etc. were considered. The active discussion raised the questions on implementing EU legislation environmental norms in Ukraine environmental policy, forming younger generation environmental awareness and the problem of labeling and using genetically modified organisms.

All the participants came to a common conclusion that bringing into compliance Ukraine's legislation to the EU environmental law standards and norms is a long, complex and expensive process. Nevertheless, the presence of a number of urgent environmental problems requires starting it already today. Educators also have to contribute to building a stable society in Ukraine. The first step should be implementing education principles for stable development at all levels to create a new type of younger generation thinking, their environmentally centered worldview. Primary school teachers have to become agents of changes in the social life of Ukraine.

Thanks to Oksana Zosymenko, Pedagogical sciences candidate, assistant professor at management and professional education chair, corresponding member of the Academy of International Cooperation on creative pedagogy and Alla Lavs’ka, senior lecturer at pre-school and school education chair of Sumy regional institute of postgraduate education for cooperation and assistance in organizing the round table "Implementing environmental security strategy: European experience integration".