The main literature

  1. Boychuk Yu.D. Ecology and protection of the environment: Studying book. / О.D. Boychuk, Е.М. СоSoloshenko, О.V. Byhay. – Sumy-Kyiv, 2005. – 302 p
  2. Drohuntsov S. І. Ecology: Textbook / S. І. Drohuntsov - , К. F. Kotsenko, М. А. Khvesyk etc. — К.: KNEU, 2005. — 371 p.
  3. Vasyukova Т. H. Ecology: Textbook / Т. H. Vasyukova, О. I. Yarosheva. - К.:Konkord, 2009. - 524 p.
  4. Vasyuta О.А. The problems of environmental strategy of Ukraine in the context of global development: Monograph / О.А. Vasyuta. – Ternopil: Hal-Druk, 2001. – 600 p.
  5. Zadorozhniy О. V. International law of the environment: textbook / О. V. Zadorozhniy, М. О. Medvedyeva. – К. : Promeni, 2010. – 510 p.
  6. Ecological law: textbook / published by А. P. Hetman. – Kh. : Pravo, 2013. – 432 p.
  7. Vystrobets Е. А. Ecological law. Motivation in international cooperation / Е. А. Vystrobets. – М. : Nauka, 2006. – 383 p.
  8. Zarzhytsky О. S. Actual problems of legal support of environmental policy of Ukraine (theoretical aspects) [Text]: monograph / О.S. Zarzhytsky. – D.:  National mining university, 2012. – 200 p.
  9. Zerkalov D.V. Ecological safety: management, monitoring, control: Manual (Series: International and national safety) / D. V. Zerkalov. – К.: KNT, Dakor, Osnova, 2007. – 412 p.
  10. Kopiyka V. V. The European Union: history and functioning principles : studying book / V. V. Kopiyka, Т.І. Shynkarenko ; published by L. V. Hubersky. – 2-nd ed., revised and corrected. – К. : Znanya, 2012. – 759 p.
  11. Knodel L. V. European environmental education [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
  12. Mykiyevych М.М. European law on environment. Studying book / М.М. Mykiyevych, N.І.Andrusevych, Т.О.Budyakova - Lviv. 2004. – 256 p.
  13. Myahchenko О.P. Ecology basics. Textbook / О.P. Myahchenko. – К.: The centre of studying literature, 2010. – 312 p.
  14. Opryshko V.F. The European Union law / V.F. Opryshko, А.V.Omelchenko, А.S.Fastovets. — Kyiv: Knyha, 2002- 460 p.
  15. Environmental education organization in foreign countries [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
  16. The European Union law: textbook / published by V.І. Muravyov. – К. : Yurinkom Inter, 2011. – 704 p.
  17. The European Union law: textbook / published by О.К. Vyshnyakov. – Odesa : Fenix, 2013. – 883 p.
  18. European Union policy and law on the environmental issues // Vladyslav Bizek : manual. Kyiv – 2013 p. 5 p. 162 – Access mode:
  19. Pisarenko Е.А. Approaches to environmental education in Western countries [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
  20. Pysanka К.О. The environmental education problems in different countries / К.О. Pysanka // Young scholar. Psychological and pedagogical sciences. – № 4 (7) April, 2014. – P. 65 – 70.
  21. Sichko І. The features of environmental education in foreign countries higher educational establishments / Iryna Sichko, Lyudmyla Yurchenko // Comparative educational studies. – 2011. – № 1 (7). – P.11-116.
  22. Skyba Yu. А. Forming intending ecologists’ administrative competence on the principles of sustainable development: theory and practice: monograph / Yu.А. Skyba. – К. : P. Drahomanov NPU, 2013. – 440 p.
  23. Tunytsya Т.Yu. The balanced nature usage: national and international context / Т.Yu. Tunytsya. – К.: Znanya, 2006. – 300 p.
  24. Shved М.S. Trends in developing environmental education abroad / М.S. Shved // Lviv university bulletin. – pedagogical series. – 2003. – Edition – P. 167–174.
  25. Shved М.S. Environmental education abroad and in Ukraine / М.S. Lviv, «Svit» publisher. – 1997. – 106 p.
  26. Shevchuk V.Ya. Environment for Europe / V. Ya. Shevchuk // Ecological bulletin. – 2003. – May-June – P. 3 – 4.
  27. Shmandiy V.М. Environmental safety: Textbook / V. М. Shmandiy, М.О. Klymenko, Yu.S. Holik, А.М. Pryshchepa, V. S. Bakharyev, О. V. Kharlamova. -  Kherson: Oldi-plus, 2013. – 366 p.
  28. Chervonetsky V. V. Pupils’ environmental education in schools of the European region and North America: [monograph] / V. V. Chervonetsky. – Luhansk: V. Dal’ SNU, 2005. – 312 p.
  29. Zerkalov D. V. Environmental safety and environmental protection [Electronic resource] : Monograph / D. V. Zerkalov – Electronic data. – К. : Osnova, 2011. – 1 electronic disk (CD-ROM); 12 sm. – System requirements: Pentium; 512 Mb RAM; Windows 98/2000/XP; Acrobat Reader0. – The title from the screen. – P. 150-154, 178-185.
  30. Ecological management: Textbook / V.Ya.Shevchuk, Yu.М.Satalkin, H.О.Bilyavsky etc. – К.: Lybid, 2004. – 432 p. – P.51-71.
  31. Directive 2004/35/EU of the European Parliament and European Council " On the environmental responsibility for Disasters and caused environmental damage from April 21, 2004 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 22.10.2015 р.


Additional literature

  1. Andreeva N.N. Ecologically oriented investments: solutions choice and management: Monograph / N.N. Andreeva. – Odesa: IPREEI NAN of Ukraine, 2006. – 536p.
  2. Andreytsev V.І. Environmental safety law: Studying and scientif. and pract. Manual / V.І. Andreytsev. — К.: Znanya-Pres, 2002. — 332 p. Access mode: http://www.pravo.vsu/book_z1559_page_10.html
  3. Basic elements of EEK UN strategy on education for sustainable development // Documents of 5th European ministers conference on environment protection “Environment for Europe” [The national seminar of the project „Kyiv - 2003”].
  4. Balashov А. М. International factors and problems of Ukraine government greening / А. М. Balashov // Investments: practice and experience. – 2009. – №23. – P. 74-77.
  5. Bilyavsky H.О. Ecology basics / H. О. Bilyavsky. – К. : lubid, 2006. – 408 p.
  6. Bocharova О. А. Modernizing higher education in modern France: dis. … ped. scienc. cand: 13.00.01. – Horlivka, 2006. – 197 p.
  7. Handbook of nternational treaties of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection. – L., 2009. – 203 p.
  8. Dvurechensky V. N. Environmental problems in university environmental education / N. Dvurechensky // Abstracts of the VI international; conference on environmental education “The strategy of environmental education in в ХХІ century” / published by N. N. Moiseev. - М. : Publisher MNEPU, 2000. - 428 p.
  9. Hrytsyak І. Law and the European Union institutions / І. Hrytsyak. – К., 2004. – 260 p.
  10. HryshkevychV. European standards of providing environmental rights: teaching and methodical manual / Т.V. Hryshkevych. – Khmelnytsky : Center for training and retraining of state agencies employees, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations, 2013. – 260 p.
  11. Korsak Yu. К. Рух до вищої духовності молоді та поєднання в освіті досягнень природничих і гуманітарних наук Moving to higher spirituality of youth and combining in education science and the humanitarian sciences achievements / Yu. К. Korsak // Higher education in the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space. Special issue: у 4 v. - V. 2. - 2006. - P. 178 - 184.
  12. Marchenko H. V. The development of environmental education in secondary schools in the UK in the second half of the XX century. Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.13.00.01 – general pedagogy and history. – Horlivka ,2003. – 23 p.
  13. Pohribna L.S. The analysis actuality of European experience in the environmental education of schoolchildren in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. Access mode:
  14. Pykhovska L.P. Professional teachers’ training in Western Europe: commonality and differences / L.P. Pykhovska. – К.: Higher school, 1997. – 179 p.
  15. Pyenka І. Formation of youth ecological education in Ukraine and Sweden / І. Pyenka. [Electronic resourse]. Access mode:
  16. Action program «Agenda for the XXI century»; tr. from English: VHO “Ukraine”; published by V.Ya. Shevchuk. – К.: Intersfera, 2000. – 360 p.
  17. Rudyshyn S.D. The state of environmental education in the high school practice abroad / S.D. Rudyshyn.[Electronic resource]. Access
  18. Tunytsya Yu.Yu. The essence of the idea of Earth Ecological Constitution and its basic conceptual principles / Yu.Yu. Tunytsya // Scientiffic bulletin: Manual of scientif. and techn. works – Lviv: UkrDLTU. – 2002. – Edition. 12.7. – P. 22-29
  19. Shimmelfenninh F. Central and Eastern Europe Europeanization: scient. edit. / Frank Shimmelfenninh, Ulrih Zedelmaye. – К.: Yunivers, 2010. – 288 p.
  20. Shompol О. The concept of "improving the legislation of Ukraine on ecological safety" in the context of international legal obligations / О. Shompol // Legal Ukraine. – 2009. – №1. – P. 82-87.
  21. Trushch О. О. Forming and implementing joint European Union environmental policy in terms of modern integration processes [Electronic resource] / О. О. Trushch, М. V. Andriyenko, H. А. Lomovskykh //. Access mode: . 22.10.2015
  22. Romanyuk N. І. Legislative base on forming European Union environmental policy [Electronic resource] / N. І. Romanyuk N. М. Korniychyk. Access mode: 22.10.2015
  23. Pysarenko S. М. Management of European economic integration [Text] : textbook [Electronic resource] / S. М. Pysarenko, N. V. Horin, L. А.Ukrayinets[etc.] ; published by S. М. Pysarenko. - К. : Znanya, 2012. - 374 p. Access mode: 22.10.2015
  24. Kolesnyk V.Yu. The definition and general description of the principles of the European Union environmental policy [Electronic resource] / V.Yu.Kolesnyk // National university Chernivtsi faculty факультету bulletin «Odessa law academy», №1, 2012. - P.130-141.
  25. Medvedyeva М. The problem of the effectiveness of international law in the field of environmental protection / M. Medvedyeva // public law. – 2012. – № 4. – P. 158–166.
  26. Sykhorolsky P. М. The concept of realizing and efficiency factors of international treaties on environmental protection / P. Sykhorolsky // Public law. – 2012. – № 2. – P. 162–169.


Internet-resources – European Union website. – Internet resource on European Union law. – a description of the main European Union activities (politics). – EU Council page. – European Agency for Official Publications. – European Union Parliament. –European Union Council. – The Court of Justice. – European central bank. – the page of the latest issues of the European Communities Official Journal. – European Documentation Center. – European Research Association. – The legislative base “CELEX”. – Site of information and legal system “SCAD”.