Purpose of the project

The main purpose of the project is students’ and other stakeholders’ ecological culture forming on environmental security issues on the European experience and European values basis. The realization of this purpose will be achieved through a number of activities:

1) Jean Monnet module team members training through self-education, experience exchanging during conferences, seminars, debates and internships in European Union leading educational institutions on the environmental safety issues;

2) "Implementing the environmental security strategy: integrating the European experience" training course developing, including lectures, practical work, seminars and other activities;

3) course teaching that will allow the project team:
- constant self-improvement conducting on the European integration issues;
- the acquired knowledge and experience distributing among a wide range of students;
- students' knowledge based on European countries environmental safety experience fixing;
- putting into practice the final European experience research works writing;
- listeners’ European values system in relation to the environment forming;

4) out-of-class activities with the " European Union environmental security: best practices" topic holding. Trainings, seminars, debates, conferences will allow to discuss important subject for all university departments students, as well as graduate students, teachers, vocational schools teachers, higher educational institutions teachers, state administrative representatives and the public;

5) Jean Monnet module activities information in open access on its own website placing will give the opportunity to all interested bodies:
- independent studying on the "Implementing the environmental security strategy: integrating the European experience" teaching basis conducting to get the current information about news;
- preparing seminars on waste management, wildlife protection, biodiversity protection and other European experience holding;
- obtaining effective information on the planned activities and applying for participation in them;
- conducting Jean Monnet project external audit;
- the active Ukraine and other countries universities representatives cooperation involving;

6) environmental security in the European Union countries research conducting that will allow to deepen knowledge, expand horizons, to select the best European practice for further spreading on the territory of Ukraine;

7) publishing articles in academic and scientific journals, as well as in local and regional media for the European studies environmental security knowledge and experience disseminating; wide public in the environmental protection current issues discussion involving.
The above mentioned European values system measures implementing will make it possible to obtain a positive trend in spreading among the people involved in the project. The harmonic interaction achieving between the nature forces and human civilization is one of the sustainable developing background. The European experience complete studying will provide an opportunity to distribute the best ecocentric practice in Ukraine in European integration processes.