"Think globally - act locally" is the slogan of the round table that was held on April 15, 2016, the participant of which were the biology teachers from Hlukhiv secondary schools and the teachers of the Natural Sciences educational department. The constructive work gathered the experts in Hlukhiv center of Ukrainian Environmental League. The teachers actively supported the idea of cooperating and discussing the directions on improving pupils and students’ environmental education.

The speakers at the meeting were the Head of the Department, Professor S. D. Rudyshyn and Associate Professor I.M. Korenyeva.

In particular, I. Korenyeva had presented a report on "The paradigm of stable development in the light of European integration processes: the introduction of a special Erasmus+ course "Implementing the strategy of environmental safety, the European experience integration", which stated that currently there is no universal model of global education on stable development, because, despite the clear certainty of stable development, each country has its own educational approaches, depending on the level of economic development, religious and cultural beliefs in the country. So, each country has to develop its priority actions based on environmental, economic and social conditions for implementing education for stable development. Educating citizens on the basis of stable development is aimed at preventing the negative effects of human activities in nature: prevention is always cheaper to eliminate the negative results that may arise. Strengthening education for stable development should encourage the establishment of new thinking, according to which all socio-economic and socio-ecological processes and phenomena should be considered taking into account the principles of stability and nature compliance. That is why the present course "Implementing the strategy of environmental safety, the European experience integration", which details the ways of solving the problems of ecological safety, environmental protection and environmental education on the principles of stable development in the European Union is particularly important in current situation.


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