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Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University is one of the oldest pedagogical educational establishments in Ukraine, which was founded in 1874. Over its long history it concentrated the best national educational traditions. Taking into account the geographical position of the university (the northern part of Ukraine), the educational experience was borrowed mainly from the north-eastern partner countries: Russia and Belorussia. Today, due to the change of the orientation vector to the western partnership and European integration processes in our country, the university requires a larger amount of information about the processes and phenomena taking place in the countries of the European community. In the context of approaching to the EU countries there is the urgent need for Oleksandr Dovzhenko HNPU researches, teachers and students to study the European experience with the following introducing its elements into education at all levels, including preschool educational establishments, secondary schools, vocational schools etc.
Among the wide range of issues researched at the university, much attention is paid to the problems of preserving the environment. Worldwide environmental safety is one of the most important issues.
European countries have one of the most successful experiences of solving environmental problems. For present, the environmental policy of the EU formed distinct approaches to solving environmental problems, and this, in its turn, contributed to forming the EU as the influential entity in the international environmental policy. For example, the EU introduced a number of European action programs in the field of the environment, some of which provide the coordination of activities in the field of the environment of not only members and candidate countries and other European states but also international environmental organizations. Ukraine is the part of Europe and should take into account the great experience of the EU in ensuring environmental security. The fact that Ukraine is trying to solve environmental security issues is proved by the Concept of National Environmental Policy of Ukraine 2020. This Concept should be implemented not only at the level of enterprises, organizations, governments and intergovernmental communities, but also at the level of the consciousness changes of every citizen.
In this context particular importance is given to issues of environmental policy implementing into the civil society. In the EU forming ecological consciousness and ecological culture of the citizens begins almost from the person's birth and continues throughout their life.
In this aspect the problem of improving the national education system gains great importance. The problems of the content and implementing national ecological security measures are reflected in the curriculum of pre-school teachers, secondary school teachers, vocational school and university teachers training. But the educational training programs of specialists in the field of education in Ukraine are not provided with studying the European Union experience in ensuring environmental security.
University teachers’ project team consisting of O. Mel’nyk, L. Zahorodnya, I. Korenyeva, I. Danyl’chenko filed out an application for the EU "Jean Monnet" grant program with the purpose of a wide range of students, staff and other interested persons studying and reviewing the environmental activities experience in the EU. The Jean Monnet purpose, which is implemented in the framework of the international grant of Erasmus+ programme is: to strengthen the European integration discourse, contribute the improvement of the European studios, attract higher education establishments to studying European integration processes and the United Europe ideas dissemination.
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv national pedagogical university team project "Sustainable strategies implementing: European experience integration " was one of the 8 winners among Ukrainian higher educational establishments and associations. The project provides funding in the amount of 26880 Euro out of which 20160 Euro provides the European Union. The project in Hlukhiv national pedagogical university will be implemented during 2015-2018 and during these three years it will allow to cover more than 600 people with a possible further dissemination of European studios implementing experience among pupils, teachers, professors, government officials and other interested segments of the population.